Thursday, 19 June 2008

pack up your troubles in a cardboard box and smile smile smile

When watching the TV at lunch time I saw pictures of the following story

The newscaster said that the only thing that most people have to do when moving themselves would be is to pack their possessions into cardboard boxes then put them in a van and go..

I am in the process of moving my self to where I do not know As Paul Young says where ever I lay my head that's my home. I have lived in the same house for 16 years- so I have got 16 years of junk to sort through. It is going to be even more fun because I shared a room with my twin brother so if I get rid of any stuff he wants to keep I could be a dead man. ( the big one will be his Dr who videos) I am not a fan but he is a big fan.

Where are you meant to get cardboard boxes now my parents still have some from our move here in 1992. I can remember going to the supermarket to get cardboard boxes to put things in to take on holiday. but thats now stopped because of health and safety and I dont know where to get boxes now

So I disagree with the newscaster on 3 front firstly you have to decide what to put in the boxes. Secondly you have to unpack them at the other end. Finally and most importantly you cant move if you dont have any boxes to put your stuff in.

I am now off on the quest of the holy cardboard box although I hope if I find them they are all in one piece

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