Tuesday, 17 June 2008

a certain degree of success

As always at this time of year pubs are full of students celebrating the end of the university lives- indeed twelve months ago I had great fun doing the same thing. The end of university life should mean the start of bigger and better things, however for some graduates it is not so

There was a piece on the today program on BBC radio 4 this morning discussing weather there were too many 2:1 degrees being awarded. all of my friends who have those degrees deserve them after all their hard work. I have a 2:2 degree and have found this to be a barrier in my search for meaningful employment. I am very proud of my degree but i feel it was a waste of time. This is because all of the graduate recruitment schemes I have looked at or post graduate courses require a 2:1 degree.

I feel like a second class member of society ( no pun intended for once) just because I cant write essays does not mean that I would be no less of an asset to a company than someone with a first class degree

I congratulate all graduates everywhere for completing your studies successfully. Welcome to the biggest challenge of your life finding your first job!!!!!!!

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