Sunday, 22 June 2008

A small step on to the pavement + a wheelchair = a broken bus

Great news dear reader I got into tripple kirks at 8.45 pm looking forward to a scream burger and beer for a fiver. I was pleased that i had timed it just right because the last time i went to a scream pub they stopped at 9pm but alas they stopped serving food at 8 so I had to wait till the end of the night to get the stapple after pub meal of cheese and chips which was as good as ever!

I have returned from aberdeen- refreshed but wet and tired as well. When I left my hotel it decided to lash it down. As I had some time to kill after a fantasic breakfeast at the local weatherspoons I thought I would go browsing to dry off a bit also. However the one flaw in my plan was that it decided stop raining when i was inside and drying off and lash it down when I was outside. so I arrived back in edinburgh a drowned rat but happy.

Many of you will be wondering why i have called the title of the post what i have well have patience and all will come clear.

I am relitavley new to using buses because they are now all low level where as not before. I was going to meet some friends and thought i would take the bus. I had never been on a bus on my own before. I got the drivers attention and also seem to be going well. the bus lowered I then requested the ramp. As the driver pushed me on i heard the ramp grown -I thought although I had a good lunch I dont way anywhere near the 300kg limit on the ramp. I thought nothing further of it until a fellow bus driver got on the bus and started talking to the driver. I heard them say the ramp has not gone back right they decided to solve the problem by jumping on the ramp and kick it into place. this failed and they decided to get a new bus,

all becaause of a young man in his wheelchair...............

Friday, 20 June 2008

the battle of tripple kirks

My friends I am off to Aberdeen to catch up with mates and generally unwind. Tonight I am going to the only pub I got barred from in Aberdeen . Many Moons ago I was on a night out with class mates and we thought we would start off at triple kirks- a pub in Aberdeen. However when we got there I was told I would not be allowed in not for being drunk- no booze had passed my lips at this stage. I was told i would be a safety hazzard in my wheelchair

lets see what happen tonight bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 19 June 2008

pack up your troubles in a cardboard box and smile smile smile

When watching the TV at lunch time I saw pictures of the following story

The newscaster said that the only thing that most people have to do when moving themselves would be is to pack their possessions into cardboard boxes then put them in a van and go..

I am in the process of moving my self to where I do not know As Paul Young says where ever I lay my head that's my home. I have lived in the same house for 16 years- so I have got 16 years of junk to sort through. It is going to be even more fun because I shared a room with my twin brother so if I get rid of any stuff he wants to keep I could be a dead man. ( the big one will be his Dr who videos) I am not a fan but he is a big fan.

Where are you meant to get cardboard boxes now my parents still have some from our move here in 1992. I can remember going to the supermarket to get cardboard boxes to put things in to take on holiday. but thats now stopped because of health and safety and I dont know where to get boxes now

So I disagree with the newscaster on 3 front firstly you have to decide what to put in the boxes. Secondly you have to unpack them at the other end. Finally and most importantly you cant move if you dont have any boxes to put your stuff in.

I am now off on the quest of the holy cardboard box although I hope if I find them they are all in one piece

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

a certain degree of success

As always at this time of year pubs are full of students celebrating the end of the university lives- indeed twelve months ago I had great fun doing the same thing. The end of university life should mean the start of bigger and better things, however for some graduates it is not so

There was a piece on the today program on BBC radio 4 this morning discussing weather there were too many 2:1 degrees being awarded. all of my friends who have those degrees deserve them after all their hard work. I have a 2:2 degree and have found this to be a barrier in my search for meaningful employment. I am very proud of my degree but i feel it was a waste of time. This is because all of the graduate recruitment schemes I have looked at or post graduate courses require a 2:1 degree.

I feel like a second class member of society ( no pun intended for once) just because I cant write essays does not mean that I would be no less of an asset to a company than someone with a first class degree

I congratulate all graduates everywhere for completing your studies successfully. Welcome to the biggest challenge of your life finding your first job!!!!!!!

Saturday, 14 June 2008

whats that got to do with the price of crisps

Yesterday i went to Glasgow for a meeting. I went by train from Edinburgh and was finding the platform when I was given some free beer. I thought great but it was tennants trying out a new beer.

My friends if you have ever been to Scotland you may have tried tennants it is not very nice. The new one is tennants 1885 I cant tell the difference between the new and the old. As i left I was given a 50P off voucher for the new beer. Since Tennants is one of the cheapest drinks around I think they were giving the stuff away

On the train i bought some vinegar and a commodity flavored crisps ( the reason why i call them that will become apparent) for 70p which is a rip off and to rub salt into the wounds the bag was half full or empty depending on your outlook on life i thought to my self i should have only paid 35 p for those crisps due to the packet having so few crisps in it!!!! if only i could have.

Friday, 13 June 2008

David Davis

I am a politics graduate and I will give you my opinion on David Davis. I will say from the outset i am a labour man. Having followed politics for almost a decade and this episode has confused me. The tories are in uproar because the DUP supported the government. When John Major was in power it could be argued they were kept in power by the DUP and the Ulster Unionists

The second confusion is to do with Davis himself and Cameron. Davis has said it is his campaign. not endorsed by the conservative HQ but then why is Cameron going to campaign for him??

The labour party should put up a candidate because the government represents the people of the country and the people in polls have said they support the government on the 42 days issue.

Gordon if you need a candidate i am more than willing to be a candidate you know where to call just not at 6 am please................


I am a graduated from that fine institution the University of Aberdeen in July 2007 and have been job hunting ever since.

The purpose of this blog is to keep you dear reader amused and it is to allow me to put my thoughts into the blogsophere and to keep me occupied during the long days of job hunting,

The thoughts on this blog are entirely mine I hope.
