Saturday, 21 April 2012

a tribute to jack Ashley

Today a pioneer a pioneer of the  disability  movement Jack Ashley has died. Others will be able to write more eloquently and knowledgeably about his achievements but i wanted to say without his tireless work on disability issues I would not be where I am today. His work 40 years ago in helping to pass the first disability legislation which then led to other legislation such as the Disability Discrimination Act is something for which I will always be grateful.

With out his work I doubt I would of been educated to the extent I have been or been able to live in America. His work led to disabled people being able to integrate into society and have a normal life. For the past 3 years I have been working on a campaign to improve disabled access information about pubs. It is work that i feel is unfinished because  the law change I secured only applies in Scotland so my tribute to Jack Ashley is not this blog, but finishing the campaign that I started so that all disabled people have access to the same level of access information about pubs so they can enjoy a social life where ever they may live.

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