Sunday, 18 January 2009

you never thought it would happen

The world is in the grip of the credit crunch my job along with thousands of others went in the blink of any eye. If you had asked anyone 2 yeas ago i bet hardly anyone would have said  Lehman's and Woolworths would have gone under. The same could be said of Barack Obamas election to the presidency of the United States. His grand parents would have probably said it would never happen.

Last night i was watching quiz call on channel 5. Quiz call  is a program where you get a  topic such as films with tom hanks in them and then  people phone up and guess titles. they phone up on premium rate number of about $3 a minute  and not every one gets through but they are still charged.  Like having a kebab on the way home from the pub if you cant sleep u watch tv well i watch quiz call. As a result i am in shock! somebody actually won some money it never seems to happen.

i have now been unemployed for a grand total of 18 months but i feel i am on the home straight soon I will have a job but there have been times i have said to my self it will never happen!

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