Sunday, 18 January 2009

you never thought it would happen

The world is in the grip of the credit crunch my job along with thousands of others went in the blink of any eye. If you had asked anyone 2 yeas ago i bet hardly anyone would have said  Lehman's and Woolworths would have gone under. The same could be said of Barack Obamas election to the presidency of the United States. His grand parents would have probably said it would never happen.

Last night i was watching quiz call on channel 5. Quiz call  is a program where you get a  topic such as films with tom hanks in them and then  people phone up and guess titles. they phone up on premium rate number of about $3 a minute  and not every one gets through but they are still charged.  Like having a kebab on the way home from the pub if you cant sleep u watch tv well i watch quiz call. As a result i am in shock! somebody actually won some money it never seems to happen.

i have now been unemployed for a grand total of 18 months but i feel i am on the home straight soon I will have a job but there have been times i have said to my self it will never happen!

Friday, 16 January 2009

Making history

How do you make history i wonder. well the next ten days is going to have a good go at it On tuesday Barack Obama will be sworn in as President of the United States of America. (who will be the first foreign leader to visit him remember  the clammer of world leaders who tried to visit george W  first, my money is on Mr Sarkozy). By the end of the month Kaka could be the the most expensive footballer with a total transfer fee of over £100 million and wages of a reported half a million  A WEEK i reckon he is try to solve the credit crunch himself!

I am making history as well no i havent solved the problem of climate change  or the credit cruch I am going to cook in my kitchen. Since I moved into the flat  i have been waiting for the council to complete adaptations  in. Well it is complete

So how do you make history well i will start by making chilli

Thursday, 8 January 2009

a lost cause

What am i talking about dear reader. I will leave you guessing a little longer. Is it not the quest by Manchester city for Europe. It is not the rift between Kevin Pieterson or Peter Moores. It is me.

I went into the job centre this week for a 13 week check up- the baby is progressing well it now has toes. I gave them my CV as I was told too  and was told by the person- I am am too qualified to get a job from the job centre. I thought the point of this establishment was to help you find work but obviously not

So first the world economy gave up on me  now the job centre who next? suggestions very welcome

Friday, 2 January 2009

what do you look for in a song

Happy new year readers one and all- my mancunian friend i know will be waiting for this to appear on his RSS feeder, I am currently returning north from london following ten days of too much chocolate!

What do you look for when deciding if you like a song what factors go into your choice- is it who sings it, the musical harmonies or the lyrics.  My family and I are huge Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie Fans. As well as Blackadder they starred togeather in the fantastic Jeeves and Wooster Series based on the PG Wodehouse books. There is a great line in that where Hugh Laurie as Jeeves says " you know what I look for in a song Jeeves? a spot of Phiosophy something to make you think!

As well as Eating chocolate this festive period I have been doing some thinking. My first thought was 2008 for me was a rite off if i was it was a car i wouldnt even bother to find the form to get insureance money! 

My thought proscess was as follows. I have  spent to much time after the lehmans episode feeling sorry for myself. But it taught me two things 1 I can get jobs with anybody I want and 2 I have to find a job it wont find me.
Moving on from analysis of the situation like anybody should i thought about how i could improve upon it. its like voters at election time dont care what parties have done for you in the past- while thats important i know. its more what will you do for me now!

In 2009 with a  shrinking job market my timing could not be worse but i  know it will be my year. I will go into the year full of hope and instead of being picky about what i apply for i will just apply for anything thats going because I always look on the bright side of life.