I survived the group session last Friday and came out of feeling exactly like i did before I went in -tired. The power point kept me awake so it achieved something at least.The presentation in 50 mins was a quick run through of the best way to find a job. prepare a CV ask your contacts etc. all of these points are valid but should be covered in more depth in my view. They are covered in more depth in getting back to work courses. I have been on such a course it was fantastic and although the course I attended was for people with disabilities i would recommend it to anyone. The course would be very helpful for school leavers or the unemployed or students looking for jobs.
The Presentation was in my view what the TV industry call a " production pilot" - a preview of the full show. If I was the government trying to solve the unemployment problem I would snap up the rights to that deal and roll it out across the networks to include the department of education. If i was at the DWP (department of work and pensions) i would send people who are newly signed on to JSA to this PowerPoint presentation so that they know the support that is available to them straight away and not wait till they have been out of work for ages- although i have been unemployed for 13 months there was a break in my claim for JSA thanks to Lehman brothers so i may have been sent on it as a new claimant i don't know.
sorry for the tangent. so things that don't go are 1 me and Friday mornings.
The second thing that does not go with me is obviously me and a job in politics. I am not talking here about me losing elections all the time- that's is along way down the road if i ever get there. I was asked by a friend the other day what gets me up in the morning whats drives me up in the morning. The answer is belief, belief in my own ability. I want to use my skills and experience to help others.Yet the thing i lack in all the jobs i have applied for in politics is experience. My ideal job if i could choose any would be foreign Secretary - not just to claim all the gifts due to airmiles.
If i don't go down the elected politician route l would love to combine 3 things the gift of the gab my writing skills and my thinking. IE if you have seen the west wing i would love to be a combination of josh lyman and toby ziegler. the people who do all the work for the politicians write speeches find out stuff be creative. It doesn't have to be in politics. i would thrive if SCOPE or Capability Scotland came a calling
so the second thing that doesn't go is despite my wishes is a job for me in politics.
The third thing is the most important thing that doesn't go. is hot chocolate and cinnamon. I was starting my Christmas shopping yesterday i have got to the browsing stage that's before i actually buy gifts. that bit comes on December 20th ish. Although I have to not leave it to the last minute as my parents know live in the Shetland islands so i actually have to pay attention to posting dates this year. I went for lunch- very nice of pasta with salmon and hot chocolate. I am a big fan of salmon epically smoked salmon. Try it for your Christmas dinner its divine.
On my hot chocolate i love cream and something to dunk in it. the eatery put Cinnamon on it i tough fine i'll try it. In my opinion just like the chances of Aberdeen winning the SPL it just doesnt go
So if you want to be a success Dont work on fridays , dont try to work in a field you really want too and for goodness sake dont put cinnamon on your hot chocolate.
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