Wednesday, 29 February 2012

thank you for the music

People cope in different ways in a crisis, some people turn to drink or hide away in a dark room. I do two things firstly I phone my sister and secondly i listen to ABBA. I phone my sister because big sisters are meant to know everything. and i listen to ABBA because its meant to be the ultimate feel good music.

So what is my crisis? well it is the fact that 16 months ago today I became unemployed. why is this a crisis now given that it has been so long? well the answer is i am fed up. for my last 4 interviews I have been in the top two and at the last one I was told that it was so close if there were two jobs then I would be employed. that has hit me hard I really wanted the job and to be told I was that close is heartbreaking. I wonder what more I can do to gain employment,

In 2008 I was directly affected by the Lehman Brothers collapse as I had just secured employment there. when it collapsed i was gutted and went with a friend to see Mamma Mia at the Cinema to cheer up and it worked so ever since when I have felt low i have turned to ABBA.
I speak regularly to my parents and at the end of every conversation with my dad he says "keep going as I know you do" well that is getting harder and harder as months go on. to quote an ABBA hit I have a Dream, and that dream is to work and When All is Said and done that dream cannot be realalised until some one will Take A chance on me