Friday, 15 October 2010

there is more to being disabled than being on benefits

Hi all,

A few weeks ago I was in manchester at the labour party conference. I had hoped to take part in the equality debate but was not called to speak so just for you here is what I was going to say

> Good morning conference, I was the PPC in Orkney and Shetland at the last
> election. I am proud to be part of the new generation and look forward to
> working with Ed Milliband to return a Labour Government to power.
> I would like to thank Harriet Harman for all of her efforts in passing the
> Equality Act and Jonathan Shaw for all of his good work as disability
> minister.
> At this time because of the economic climate there is a considerable amount
> of talk about money. I work with disabled people as a parliamentary officer
> for a charity and many of them are concerned about the potential loss off
> benefits. I know this is a debate about equality but many people I talk to
> think that all politicians care abouts when it comes to disabled people is
> taking things from them or making it harder for them to receive what they
> are entitled to
> Conference I know that this is not the case but politicians need to practise what they preach tell and borrow a phrase its about getting off benefits and
> into work.
> What is that work. It is about supporting the removal of barriers to
> disabled people in society and not just talking about money For example In Scotland. The Criminal Justice and Licensing bill has just passed in that bill was an amendment thatrequires license applicants to state how their premises meets the needs ofdisabled people so that for the first time they have to consider access
> right from the start. Conference that was a campaign I started which George
> Foulkes led through the Scottish Parliament this small change will make a
> huge difference to so many people allow disabled people and their friends to
> enjoy a barrier free social life. If we help remove the barriers then we can be a more equal society. So I want to encourage Ed and his team to show what they are doing to help disabled people. I would also like a page in the party manifesto for disability related policys. this is because being disabled affects your whole life in a way that the other equality strands do not. for example your housing needs your job prospects I could go on so I feel a single paragraph will not surphise

> In conclusion to build an equal society we must show that we are there to
> help and not hinder, Yvette Cooper mentioned a crusade to protect the
> vulnerable well Yvette I will be there at the front supporting you as long
> as your pushing