Tuesday, 10 February 2009

doing exactly what it says on the tin- or not!

As a wheelchair user there is one thing i would not be able survive without-apart from my set of wheels and that is a taxi.. I know that there are buses that take wheelchairs and i use them but if i have to go somewhere for an appointment i take a cab because i know it will take me from door to door.

I have had to take two cabs in two days to get to important appointments and so i got a cab and the driver was less than complimentary about my stabiliser which stop me from tipping onto my back when going up a curb or something he started to complain about my wheelchair and its bloody - to put it mildly stabilisers because he would have to get out his ramp.
I could put up with this because its a common complaint but an incident today really got me going.
I was coming away from a job interview and went to a taxi stand to get a cab to take me home i thought i had found one i tapped on the window of a new minibus cab- in edinburgh as well as the london type cabs we have new kind of van things which take a wheelchair and 4 people quit comfortabley. they even have wheelchair stickers on thie side of them so you know it a good bet.

its a good bet apart from today- i saw the van type of cab so i approached it and asked the cabbie if i could hire it to take me home he said no because he was exempt from carryig wheelchairs. So i challanged him as to why he was driving a taxi designed for that purpose and he said he it wasnt his cab- which may be true but if he is genuinely exempt he should not be driving a cab like that before i could challange him more he drove off i am not a happy bunny!