The British High Street could soon change for ever. Its not because there will be no queues in shops on christmas eve its with the demise of Woolworths. I was told when i went to sign on a few weeks ago that they were looking for store managers and that i should think of applying. The next thing that happens is that they go belly up so am i like a dementor at Azakaban who sucks the soul out of seemingly a solid business who could offer me employment?
this marks the end of an era because its always been there. If you had to get something quickly you could almost always get it at woolies from pick and mix to screwdriver sets. so woolies is to many people what sir alex ferguson is to me(apart from being a managerial god) I say that as a proud and passionate aberdeen fan i know the number one fan of this blog would completely agree- the proud manchester united fan that he is. he always says there is only one club in manchester!
He has always been chewing his gum and shouting at referees for the lack of or too much injury time .
The end of era marks the dawn of a new one maybe without woolies if it does go. Maybe in this new world i get a job selling pick and mix and other items as there seem to be a gap in the market...